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The Virtual IT Department

The Virtual IT Department 
Making IT Simple

Brand Identity & Custom Website

The Virtual IT Department is a family business with its roots in IT support for disability and care sectors. 21 years in and they were ready for a shift in how they express their passion for the work they do. They needed a way to extend their values for simplifying complicated technology and helping people thrive from an in-person experience to the rest of the world. The brief required a fun, personable, and professional brand that represents how they work. We developed an identity that centralises around a simple brand symbol. From there, the rest of the identity works together to build upon this language of simplicity and fun.

A major part of the brand implementation was redesigning and building a custom website that would embody their new personality and carry their message far and wide. We worked closely with the team to bring their digital presence to life, and make way for connecting with larger clients.

For all project enquires, please get in touch:

The Virtual IT Department


The Virtual IT Department
