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Don't Fall In Love With Your Monkey

Don't Fall In Love With Your Monkey
Another type brief using the short story 'Don't Fall In Love With Your Monkey' by Ari Handel. This project helped me become more conscious in using space, particularly negative space. The main theme I had identified was the sense of gain and loss of control between Handel and his monkey, which I wanted to highlight throughout the entire book, from its format to column width. 
Post-mortem reflection: (I heard someone term it this way and thought it was a good way to put it and a good habit to cultivate) I felt I did achieve what I wanted to, through many struggles and experiments, and am satisfied with the outcome. However, I think I could be more experimental and push concepts further (making the contrast between positive and negative space even more pronounced), and in agreement with the feedback I had gotten from my tutors, experiment more with colour. Although, colour is still a bit of an iffy subject for me, I start off experimenting, but decide along the way that the colours aren't "necessary" for the concept, and therefore strip it back to mainly black and white. Perhaps it comes from a lack of confidence in using colours, I will make greater effort in my personal projects to force myself away from the usual black and white, and use more colours.

The moving poster I created for this project. I'm still a beginner at After Effects, but I think learning the 12 Principles of Animation and taking a few online courses on After Effects over my summer break helped me create more dynamic moving poster, and I was quite happy with the movement of type.
Don't Fall In Love With Your Monkey

Don't Fall In Love With Your Monkey


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