Promotional Campaign
Ripley's Aquarium of Canada
Last year, Ripley's Aquarium of Canada experienced a downturn in attendance due to global events affecting tourism and reducing the number of local visitors. This project aims to create an event to boost local visitors and travellers and encourage them to visit the aquarium.

For our research, the aquarium had a similar campaign in the years 2022 and 2023, so we decided to revamp it.
The purpose of our campaign is to celebrate all kinds of relationships. These relationships can be romantic, unconditional, or just budding. Friendships, parental love, familial love, and romance all have a place to be celebrated at our event. Even tourists are welcomed to join in on this special love fest. To increase inclusivity and availability, our campaign is design to have the Valentine's Day event span throughout the weekend so those who might not be available on 14th have a chance to celebrate on a different date. The campaign aims to not only recognize Valentine’s Day but also to educate and honour marine life. We hope that our event will reignite a passion for underwater animals and the passion we have for each other.
Team Collaboration
We collaboratively discussed the mind map, each drafting our ideas independently. Afterward, we compared and reviewed them to identify the best one. Ultimately, my sketch was chosen and applied to the project.
My Role
I was responsible for the main composition, including the sketch of family members' hands, the transit shelter mockup, and crafting one of the SEO posts.
Disclaimer: It is a personal project and not commissioned by any specific client. The design is purely a creative effort and is not corresponding with any organization. 
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