Brandon Law's profile

The Goodwash Comapny - Live Project


To enhance brand desirability and sales for the Goodwash Company, I have established an ambassador program. Through thorough market research and the identification of key influencers dedicated to ethical living, I have crafted a program that provides ambassadors with exclusive discounts, early access to products, and collaboration opportunities. Prospective ambassadors can apply online to join the program. I expect that this initiative will not only bolster customer loyalty and engagement but also attract new customers through referrals and social media channels.


Brand: The Goodwash Company

Purpose: Create an ambassador program to increase brand awareness and drive the volume of sales

Target Audience: Millennials aged 27-42 who prioritize environmental sustainability, are actively involved in social causes, and have the financial means to invest in luxury products

Display Context: Ambassadors chosen, Application form, OOH and Social Media

Single Minded Proposition

I am targeting Millennials aged 27-42 through out-of-home advertising and social media. This age group is more likely to afford luxury products compared to Gen Z. My campaign aims to raise awareness of GoodWash through flyers, posters, and billboards, with the goal of attracting celebrity and influential ambassadors.


" Be the eco-hero: Goodwash Organic Ambassadors "

Being an ambassador for "Goodwash organic" means you champion eco-friendly practices, promoting the use of their organic products to support sustainability.  As an "Eco Hero," you inspire others to embrace conscious consumerism by choosing environmentally friendly options, like Goodwash's organic products, contributing to a healthier planet.

I have created a new 'AMBASSADOR' page that guides individuals to the application form. Here, they can find all the information about the program. If they are interested, they can proceed to apply.

This is the ambassador application form that I created. It will be on the GoodWash Ambassador page

There are two versions of the poster I have designed for recruiting brand ambassadors for Goodwash, and I have included a QR code for them to scan and apply if they are interested.

I designed two versions of flyers. The first version includes the flyer title, my copy, and a QR code for online application. The second version outlines the requirements and benefits of becoming our brand ambassador.

I have designed this billboard with the message: "Be the Eco-hero: Goodwash organic ambassadors." It also includes a QR code for scanning. The design features a simple and direct layout.

I have designed two posts for the Goodwash Ambassador Program. I have also created a marketing strategy. The first post encourages people to guess who the new brand ambassador is. If they guess correctly, they can win our giveaway items. The second post announces that the application is now open and directs people to apply on the Goodwash website.

The Goodwash Comapny - Live Project

The Goodwash Comapny - Live Project
