Touch Of Gold
Honours Project - Massey University
Touch Of Gold is a publication that investigates our current throwaway society and promotes the art of Kintsugi and its philosophies. In today’s unsustainable world, Kintsugi offers a different way of thinking and doing. The sustainable practice challenges the idea of waste by celebrating imperfections and giving objects a new lease of life.⁣

Beautifully translated to “golden joinery,” Kintsugi refers to the craft of mending broken pottery with gold. It is not just as an aesthetic principle but also a philosophical concept. The practice centres around embracing damage, imperfection, and giving objects a new lease of life.

Because of their interest and curiosity in my project, I chose to focus on University students as my audience. However, my publication can be read by anyone.​​​​​​​

I weaved learning moments throughout the publication to help the audience gain a better understanding of our current waste issue and the art of Kintsugi. My publication began with our waste issue in New Zealand, it then introduced Kintsugi, a short section on its origins and related Japanese philosophies of wabi-sabi and mottainai. The publication was then split into 3 sections, imperfection, ageing and revive.
I printed my work on 135 gsm eco natural paper made from recycled materials. I believe that this was fitting as my topic was about reducing waste. The publication was bound in a Japanese style using gold thread to symbolise ‘golden joinery’. Gold is an important element in Kintsugi as its used to highlight an object’s breakage rather than disguising it. This led me to use gold foil adhesive in my final publication.​​​​​​​

I believe that by incorporating all these elements, it created a more impactful, memorable and engaging experience for my audience to learn about waste, Kintsugi and its philosophies.
Touch Of Gold

Touch Of Gold
