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Compression - Animated Typeface

Compression - Animated Typeface
Compression is a high impact condensed typeface for headlines and titles. The animation is controlled by a simple slider that moves from 0 to 400. You can customize the timing with your own motion curves to move through all 4 stages of animation;
1 in → 2 morph → 3 morph → 4 out

This animated typeface is created with seamless looping in mind. The in-animation perfectly matches the out-animation. The bold weight and great legibility makes it a perfect choice to get your point across in any size.
Customizable Features
• animation (0 – 400 slider)
• color
• direction (up, down, left, right, random)
• random seed
Static Version
The static version of this typeface comes in Heavy Condensed, Heavy Condensed Italic and Heavy Condensed Rounded. The animated version is Heavy Condensed only. 
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Create Your Own
Learn how to create your own animated typefaces with our online course at Motion Design School
Type Design by Hanken Design Co.
Animation by Animography

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Compression - Animated Typeface

Compression - Animated Typeface

Compression is a condensed animated typeface for Adobe After Effects.
