Carling Black Label Currie Cup KV - Retouching

Carling Black Label Key Visual Retouching
Creative Brief:

Carling Black Label became the new title sponsor of the prestigious and most historical rugby tournament in the world - the Currie Cup. 

We've put together a campaign that introduces Carling Black Label, the newcomer to the tournament, to the world of rugby and encourages men to find ‘The Gold Inside’.

Every man, watching or playing the game, has had to overcome challenges. Every man, on and off the field, has felt the need to prove themselves at some point in their lives.

The Currie Cup is about finding the gold, it’s where champions are made. Every man has it in them to be great but it’s not always that easy to become the person you want to be. We want to motivate the players and ordinary South African men to push themselves to be better. To get back up when life pushes them down. To bring out the gold they already possess within them.

Our idea was expressed as:
Images Supplied
Retouched Images
Final Artwork
Carling Black Label

Ogilvy Cape Town

Ruan Heinse
Byron Craemer

3D Artist:
Andrew van der Walt
Carling Black Label Currie Cup KV - Retouching

Carling Black Label Currie Cup KV - Retouching

Retouching of different elements to create one Key Visual to be used across multiple platforms.


Creative Fields