Willemijn van Donkelaar's profile

Context menu & Contact name

Making a message go from read to unread and finding a solution for the visibility of a contact name within the Saysimple platform.
The problems you had to solve or the hypothesis you came up with for solving it.
A big problem which was missing in the Saysimple platform, was the option to make a message go from read to unread (and the other way around). In addition it also 
wasn't clear for users with whom they were chatting with in the platform.
Some of the finished screens of the new tags menu & right mouse button context menu
How you came to your proposed solutions
Through research we discovered that the most used option to make a message go from read to unread (and the other way around), was by using the right mouse button. 
Next to making a message unread/read with a context menu, this menu normally contains several more options. After some research I created several more options to add to the context menu.
After user tests we got the insight that it was not clear for users to whom they were talking to, because the contact name wasn't showing in the chat window. It was only showing in the contacts window. Other big messaging platforms were all showing the name in the 
top left corner of their chat window. After that I've made several solutions to show the contact name in the chat window.
Several solutions I've created for showing the contact name in the top bar, the main problem was finding a solution for the tags menu.
How your proposed solutions solved the problem
By adding a context menu with a right mouse button action the problem to make a message go from read to unread was quickly solved. In addition the solution for the contact name gave the possibilty to create a better design for showing tags.
The final design for the user name and the solution for the top bar in the Saysimple platform. The tags menu is interactive, try it yourself!
What you learned
By working on this project I've discovered the possibilities of interaction within Adobe Xd. I've learned that even without coding it's possible to create a fully functioning 
prototype of an website or app with software like Adobe Xd.
Context menu & Contact name

Context menu & Contact name



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