"A brief but enlightening look at the testimonies of former astronauts, offering fresh perspectives on confinement and isolation, both in our world and above it." Newburyport Documentary Festival, 2020.
As a sci-fi movies lover, NASA freak and space dreamer, I couldn't get more excited about helping out with the motion & graphics to David Regos and Tomas Ybarra on this beautifully crafted short film during the early stages of confinement because the global pandemic, made by actual NASA imagery and conversations featuring former astronauts Scott Kelly, Terry Virts, Naoko Yamazaki, Jay Apt and Ellen Ochoa; and accompanied by an incredible sound design that takes you by the hand on an intimate space walk.

Awarded with 1st prize as Best Documentary and 2nd prize as Best Short Movie in the 6th CineSpace International Short Film Competition organised by NASA and the Houston Cinema Arts Society.

👇👇 please watch the documentary at the bottom 👇👇
"Astronauts are no strangers to quarantine and isolation. They are subjected to confinement and intense training procedures to protect and prepare them for lengthy missions into space. The psychological effects of their experiences give them a unique vantage point to reflect upon the situation of 2020. For many people the global pandemic has meant being restricted indoors, having to find new ways of living and working. The world has changed dramatically. How do we reconcile the past and present and what is the best approach to move forward? When we venture into the unknown, with sounds and dreams and perspectives of a different nature, we are reminded to appreciate the little things and make the most of even challenging situations."
Director David Regos, 2020.
This Other World


This Other World
