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Robert Doody South Dakota: Why do Native Americans

Robert Doody South Dakota: Why do Native Americans experience discrimination in majority-Native areas?
One may expect that a group would be treated relatively well t when one group is the majority group in an all. Unfortunately, various factors cause that not to be the case for Native Americans, which Robert Doody South Dakota explains.

Robert Doody South Dakota: What causes Native Americans to experience discrimination in majority-Native areas?

Just because a group is the majority population does not mean that they are a majority of power. One relevant example can be seen with police; in some of the biggest cities in the United States, the police generally live outside these cities and often fail to come close to representing racial demographics. An area with a higher Native American population can easily have a mainly white police force. This is similarly true for politics as well as employers, Robert Doody South Dakota explains. Yet, why is it worse than a lower population of Native Americans?

Robert Doody South Dakota explains why discrimination is higher in these areas.

A key reason for the heightened discrimination is simply due to racial bias. It is not uncommon to see areas with a relatively low percentage of white people over-policed and under-funded, Robert Doody, not that schools tend to favor districts with a more significant percentage of white students, even for schools below the poverty line. It should come as no surprise that when your community is targeted by police, receives less funding for education, and experiences other issues, it is going to be something of a struggle.

Robert Doody South Dakota says that while it can be worse for various reasons for Native Americans who live in areas where they are the majority, Robert warns against any assumptions.
Assuming that things are fine for them elsewhere is foolhardy, as there are many reasons why a Native American person may face discrimination. While a significantly higher percentage of Native Americans in majority-Native areas experienced workplace discrimination, workplace discrimination in non-majority areas was still unacceptably high. One major problem is that Native Americans are often invisible when the discussion of bias comes up. Two-thirds of Americans believe that there is no significant racial discrimination against Native Americans. Yet, looking at the data, this is entirely untrue and blatantly so.

The issues Native Americans face

Native Americans face significant discrimination, but people simply do not talk about it enough. People fail to acknowledge that Native Americans are more likely to be killed than any other race by the police. And not just by police — a staggering 97 percent reported violence against them by non-Native people.
Not enough is done, in part because so many have convinced themselves there’s nothing to fix. Robert Doody South Dakota knows that enough is enough, and something has to be done right away to address this injustice.
Robert Doody South Dakota: Why do Native Americans

Robert Doody South Dakota: Why do Native Americans
