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The Collaged Image | Wintersession

The Collaged Image | Wintersession 2014
Work created for The Collaged Image class I am currently taking this wintersession at RISD. In our first project, the Noun Project, we were given several black and white photocopied faces. Using those faces we had to create new faces. We then scaled our heads in different sizes for the second part of the project where the heads were given bodies and put into a background/environment with an "object" to complete the noun: person, place, and thing. One was to be on a solid color background the other on a mixed color background. 
Our second project was to select a year from history, either very far in the past or farily recent history. I chose 2012 as that was a big year of events in my personal history. We had to select 3-4 events and represent them in two panels in collage. Then we had to create two panels that were more decorative/abstracted patterns that also represented our chosen year. 
Our final project was very open. I created a series of pop-up boxes depicted various scenes from Peter Pan, images of that project can be viewed here: (a sneak peek of one of the boxes is below)
We are also required to keep a separate sketchbook for side collages with leftover material from our assigned projects. Below are some spreads from that book. 
Thanks for viewing, appreciate below!
The Collaged Image | Wintersession

The Collaged Image | Wintersession

Work from RISD Wintersession 2014 class "The Collaged Image"
