Yong Xiang Lim's profile

Exxonmobil eBL POC

Roles and Responsibilities
▶ Co-led the project with the logistics supervisor from the collaborator’s company
▶ Designed and iterated the system UI from start to end
▶ Gathered and transformed user requirements into system requirements
▶ Demonstrate to users using high fidelity prototype to garner buy in and gather feedback
▶ Contact point for outsourced developers based in China
▶ Run system testing
Understanding the context
Understanding the current physical process and identify where digitalization can be possible.
First iteration wireframes/prototype 
Designed based on the understanding of the original workflow. Prototype was presented as a tool to kick-start discussions, spark ideas and communicate ideas among the stakeholders. 
Key takewaways from discussion with stakeholders over first iteration
Key points:
1. As minimal effort as possible for users to use the system.
2. Some of the users are not very tech savvy
3. Most of the user roles work as a team rather than individually

Second iteration wireframes/prototype 
Returned to the drawing board to rethink the design based on feedback gathered from stakeholders. 
Removed side navigation bar and recipient menu 
1. Keep the user interface clean with the main sections being only the order list and order form.
2. Designed it to be a collaborative environment instead of sending the document among one another. 

Reduce workload where possible
Due to the main objective of the trial, certain forms are not required in the form of structure data. Hence the proposal to have these documents as attachments. 
Key takeaways from discussion with stakeholders over second iteration
Key points:
1. Different user has different approaches in uploading attachments
2. Users are used to physical paper processes 
Third and final iteration of wireframes/prototype
View in PDF 
Gives users a 'look and feel' of the form to promote a sense of security that they have input the correct info before handling it for signing, like in real world.
Upload documents by role and not by document type
This allows user of the designated roles to upload one or multiple documents as they like. The design also added a feature whereby user can select a label for the document they have uploaded (not all files are properly named), to help the parties downstream identify documents easier. 
QR code to verify document
Not all users have the luxury of using the computer to drag and drop the .TT file to verify the document on Tradetrust website.
Finalize system requirements and workflows
System requirements 
Order workflow and state diagram machine
User account workflow and state machine diagram
Exxonmobil eBL POC


Exxonmobil eBL POC


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