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謄真集 Transmography|畫冊設計


《謄真集》Transmography —— 黃至正 × 海流設計

● 燙金印製八件實驗版畫
● 三件版畫以藝術家嚴謹工序手工貼箔及硫磺燻燒
● 封面嵌入其中一件銀箔版畫作品
● 一冊精裝作品集
● 收錄沈裕昌、陳晞、陳寬育三位藝評專文
● 海流設計擔綱裝幀與版畫監製
● 均有版次、親簽


Transmography is the culmination of artist Huang Chih Cheng's works. Deeply attracted to the opposite characteristics of foil - fragility and rigidity - Huang focuses on the causes of certain phenomena to explore how the relationship between people changes. On the basis of individual experiences, he questions whether the facts built on contemporary assumptions are solid enough, while touching on all aspects of life as well as time perception.

The artist catalogue uses suitable paper and ink to faithfully represent the artist's works. The production of eight of the prints involves mechanical operations and handicrafts. The repeated operation of the hot foil stamping machine is intertwined with the artist's gilding skills, breaking through the boundaries of traditional artist catalogues. The artist deliberately chose to embrace the fact that the foil is subject to oxidation, allowing for such a material to change continuously with the passage of time. The colour and texture of the foil prints would gradually change, leaving the traces of repeated machine stamping on his work as a figurative interpretation of time.

謄真集 Transmography|畫冊設計


謄真集 Transmography|畫冊設計
