BK designer®'s profile

NNA ressources™ Agency brand identity

NNA ressources™ Agency brand identity
NNA is an agency specialised in a full of services for developers in the field of design, marketing, research, sales, communications, product development we work closely with our clients to define, design and develop their strategy that helps to bring each project to it's goal across all platforms and brand's touchpoints.

FR - NNA™, est une agence de marketing digital, une équipe passionnée, curieuse et créative aux compétences complémentaires et couvre tout le spectre des projets digitaux, Design, technologie et stratégie.

EN - NNA™, is a digital marketing agency, a passionate, curious and creative team with complementary skills and covers the entire spectrum of digital projects, Design, technology and strategy.

Project: Branding & Visual Identity        Year: 2022

Feel free to reach out:

E: Ahmed.bk.m2m@gmail.com | P: +21628279526

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NNA ressources™ Agency brand identity


NNA ressources™ Agency brand identity

NNA ressources™ is an agency specialised in a full of services for developers in the field of design, marketing, research, sales, communications, Read More
