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BBC Sounds Wheel of Misfortune Podcast

Bringing Podcasts to life

Due to the success of the first season of The Wheel of Misfortune podcastBBC Sounds wanted to raise awareness for the second season showcasing some of the best stories shared on the show throughout the first season of the podcast.
As the second season was approaching, the team were looking to find a solution to help raise engagement over social channels.
The team were debating whether to use video, animation or audio clips to achieve maximum reach through their channels.  
Due to the lockdown and restrictions on filming, we proposed creating character-led animations to tell these stories.
Great Stories, Great Animations

We chose the best clips from the top viewed podcasts through the series and proposed to create a series of five animations with characters to bring to life the wild stories shared over the year with guests including Phil WangJamali Maddix and Lottie Bedlow.
We understood early on that creating characters to be instantly recognisable to the audience, will be fundamental for this piece to be a success. 
We collaborated with illustrator Amiluu to bring to life the characters and scenes through illustration to create original assets for each story. 
Taking the audio from the podcast clips, we worked on visualising the scenarios in a comical fashion to bring the scenarios to life. 
When creating the narrative we used two main scenes, the podcast studio and the scenario where the story was told. As some of the stories were phone-ins, we created a phone as a character to allow the scenes to have a podcast guest in the studio in line with the rest of the animations. 
BBC Sounds Wheel of Misfortune Podcast