Marina Ushakova's profile

Natural balance

Mufasa's phrase from The Lion King: โ€œWe die, and grass grows from our body, and antelopes eat grass. So we are all connected in this eternal Circle of Life. As a king, you must maintain this balance and treat all living things with respect: from tiny ants to swift antelopes. "

With this animation, I wanted to remind people that we are these kings, for whom it is important to remember about the natural balance and think more about the environment.

Everything is connected with everything - this is the first of the laws of ecology. Any changes in nature will cause changes in the world around us. For example, if the number of bees in the hive drops sharply, then there will be no one to pollinate the flowers of fruit trees in the orchards, which means that the fruit harvest will be at risk. Or here's an example from forest life - if you exterminate all the wolves, then the purity of the forest will suffer, because, as we all know, the wolf is the orderly of the forest.
Thanks for watching!
Natural balance


Natural balance
