Karthik Ilango's profile

A Space Adventure with Arey Glex

A Space Adventure with Arey Glex is an illustrated story I had done as a personal assignment as part of a larger project for college; which involved teaching environmental sciences to children between the ages of 5-7 years old. Compared to the other topics such as 'Animals', 'The Earth', 'Water' and a couple others, 'Space' interested me the most and I wanted to make a more fictional narrative of the same. I wanted the work to look quite like a worn out journal of a young person who had recorded his experience and was retelling his account.
This project was one of my first attempts at a visual narrative and is currently in stasis as I am working on the full storyline. 
A Space Adventure with Arey Glex

A Space Adventure with Arey Glex

A Illustrated narrative about a young boy who is taken off into space to experiences its wonders and mysteries while learning about all the vario Read More
