Timelines: A Board Game all about Time
Timelines was born out of the following simple yet incredibly open-ended brief: 
"Visualise time in a graphic way."

In an attempt to find some sort of starting point, my research led me down a path of viewing time for what it is, and what it could have been. I found an interest in the idea of disrupted narratives and the butterfly effect- is time carved out into stone, or do our choices change the flow of time? Even down to the smallest decisions. 

I found that in most cases, it is our own actions which have the power to change the flow of time- whether it be a small change or a huge one. This point of interest is what drove me to create a board game which attempts to highlight this through demonstration.
Timelines takes players on a journey across space and time. The game allows users to make their choice by picking out a card. This then changes the flow of time by the movement they make to travel to their found object. They do this by slotting a piece into the board and shunting the others along- forming new pathways and breaking old ones. 

To further bring the player's attention to time, they are tasked to complete all objectives before running out of time on their slider. The game is set over 1000 years, with each turn they take deducting 50 years. 
The game is designed to be light hearted, with the aim to provoke thought in a subtle way.
The board game design consists of the following:
-Instruction manual
-64 pieces
-Cards (Items, Bonus and Forfeit)
-Time measures (Sliders)
Thanks for looking! :-)