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Save the Bees Campaign Design

Currently, Bees around the world are being threatened by destruction of habitat, chemical pesticides, global warming, introduction of new invasive plant species, diseases and parasites. As humans, we are largely responsible for the habitat loss bees experience as well as the pesticides affecting them and this needs to change. 

Save the Bees Australia is a social enterprise which primarily focuses on educating communities about and advocating for Australian native bees as well as European honeybees. For one of my third year university projects, I decided to create an information campaign for Save the Bees Australia, which aims to raise awareness regarding the threat posed to our humanity if bees become extinct and what the audience can do to prevent this from occurring. 

The audience being targeted involves young adults and teenagers aged between 16-22 living in suburban and urban settings. My objectives are to encourage people to take small actions to help save the bees and educate and make them aware of the importance of bees in our ecosystem.
Save the Bees Campaign Design


Save the Bees Campaign Design
