Book Covers

Philip . Dick Trilogy 
Three iconic Philip K. Dick books uniquely designed and encased in a hard slip case. Each book cover features a bold title and a hand drawn illustration of an object or symbol pertaining to the book. Each illustrated figure shares an expressionless face, and also leaves behind a long dark shadow. 

Dick, being a sci-fi writer, explores accelerated and extreme evolutions of issues that are occurring in the present day. In the face of a bright future, what often comes with it are equally terrifying problems.


Scanner Darkly 

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

In Cold Blood 
In Cold Blood Dust Jacket and Book Design. The jacket is typographically driven with the title written in dripping ink texture written on the front of the book and the spine. The first flap features a shot gun: the object that instigates the story, and the second flap feature a noose: the object that ends the story. The uncovered book is designed to resemble a Bible, as reference to pastor Herb Clutter. The father of the murdered family who's death instigates the events of the book. 

Book Covers

Book Covers
