Delivery date: 11 November 2021
Timeline: 10 days​​​​​​​

We create a captivating video to amplify the collaboration between Lazada and Jakarta Fashion Week in 2022, igniting the spotlight on small Indonesian businesses and their remarkable endeavors

here is the Visual Effects Breakdown for this project

We were entrusted by Milkyway Studio, a renowned production house from Indonesia, to embark on an exhilarating project. 
Guided by the visionary Director Didi mul, who brings forth exceptional ideas and references for mesmerizing visual effects.

(1) Extending the camera movement while maintaining the looks to not be "fake" is a challange.

(2) creating the fabric Tree is challanging because every fabric keeps going through causing havoc to each other

(3) creating the glass box is challanging to render because its transparent glass over transparent glass, at some point its 4 glass on top of each other which increases the render time by alot

(4) the rolling pillar isn't hard to make, but is very challanging to get the idea for the shape.

(5) the top down shot has alot of revisions, because the first draft the shot spins a lot. but after numbers of revisions, we all agree to just track out 

(6) this is one of the most challenging shot to composite and create in 3D. Each flower petals are loosely attached so when a force is applied they explode and create these petals that flies around. the cloth we use a simple trick that makes the 3D cloth model to follow a curve and deforms it a little bit so it looks like a cloth.

The director provided us with these storyboards which serves as a powerful tool to effectively communicate and bring to life the Director's creative vision.


Production House:       Milkyway Studio
Director:                      Didi Mul
Producer:                     Andini Nuansa Swasti
Production Assistant:   Joanna Wijaya & Dennis Muliawan

VFX Departement

Team Lead: 
Deo Mareza

Compositing Team:
Deo Mareza
Aditya Laksono
Raihan Habib
Erika Krisanti
Ardana Tanemaru
Fernaldy Wiranata

3D Team:
Fernaldy Wiranata

Motion Graphics Team:
Erika Kristanti
Raihan Habib

Sound Departement

Sound & Music Designer:​​​​​​​
Ofel obaja setiawan

Lazada x JFW


Lazada x JFW
