J A C K S O N 
Student work. 
This is a cover design assignment we produced for the fictive magazine “Jackson”. My idea was to create a magazine that appreciates ordinary Danish men. The idea itself came from the thinking process I did when I thought of the name “jackson”. I split up the word and there it was – Jack'Son.
The target group for the magazine is the ordinary young man or son and the content circles around their everyday life. The magazine does not explain what to wear or how to achieve success, but instead focuses on well-being, different hobbies and the challenges the ordinary man might find himself facing. This is the reason I chose 3 ordinary Danish men for my covers. I took the pictures myself and consciously chose a layout that does not hide any details of the male figure. It shows the average male body at its most natural. I made this choice to provoke the body ideals of our time, where people are faced with extreme icons and images of manipulated physique. Each magazine has a different title; “It's hairy”, “It's awkward” and “It's average”. The titles cut straight to the bone and seek to create a more relaxed, less body-aware state of mind among the “average Joe's”. The purpose is to obtain a more realistic expectation when it comes to the male exterior. 


This is a cover design assignment we produced for the fictive magazine “Jackson”. My idea was to create a magazine that appreciates ordinary Dani Read More
