Olga Saadi's profile

Biomechatronics Laboratory, Stanford University

The Biomechatronics Lab - Stanford University
The original design consisted of 5 distinct components that were complex to assemble and break frequently
The Biomechatronics lab at Stanford designs wearable robots to improve people's speed, efficiency and balance, in particular for people with disabilities such as amputation or stoke. 

Despite our work on prosthetic design being on opposite sides of the technology spectrum -- while my work is primarily on low-tech devices for scalability, the lab’s research focus primarily on extremely tech-advanced devices designed for performance -- I felt that this was an opportunity for cross-pollination and potentially yield innovative developments for both sides. 

Original design was done by me on Autodesk Fusion 360
Leveraging Fusion 360, I contributed to the design and development of what we call, "The Bot" (a better name is coming soon) which has the exciting potential to reduce the incidence of recurring falls amongst the elderly subjects dropped from 60% to 15%. 

"The Bot" is to be released as an open source device for rehabilitation centers. With that, in this design, my main goal was to ensure that the Bot’s structure was robust yet easily 3D printable on a desktop printer and assembled with minimum effort. 

With the design I created, we were able to increase the strength of the motors by 150% while reducing total printing time by 4 hours.
Biomechatronics Laboratory, Stanford University

Biomechatronics Laboratory, Stanford University
