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Fountain Day Beitou Edition/Fountain Day 北投篇

Fountain Day Beitou Edition
Fountain Day 北投篇

Fountain Day, hosted by Fountain Magazine, is a captivating event for high school and college students, inviting them to explore Taiwan's culture. We aimed to create an unforgettable experience tailored to the aspirations of the current generation, beckoning them to immerse themselves in Beitou's captivating tales.

Fountain Day 是《FOUNTAIN 新活水》雜誌為高中至大學的年輕學子策劃的台灣文化探索活動。這趟北投行是生長在這個時代的孩子們,一次特殊的探索之旅,透過當代口吻邀請同學們聆聽那些迷人的故事。

Fountain Day, hosted by Fountain Magazine, is a captivating event for high school and college students, inviting them to explore Taiwan's culture. Scaling up in its second year, Fountain Day aims to foster insightful discussions on cultural trends and deepen participants' understanding of history in the present context. Nestled in Beitou, a cultural haven known for its natural hot springs and a popular destination for global visitors, Fountain Day captures the essence of this locale's allure. Initially associated with hot spring vapors and the charming ambiance of numerous hotels, Beitou carries a rich historical legacy as a red light district during the Japanese colonial era, shaping unique business models and providing a captivating backdrop for countless untold stories. Our visual design endeavors to engage the senses and create a memorable impact. The captivating magenta hue, extending diagonally across the poster, is a deliberate choice brought to life by our skilled printer. Symbolically, it represents the interplay between "allure" and "prohibition", inviting open-minded attendees to uncover the intriguing and lesser-known history of Beitou. To ensure visual coherence, the magenta thread delicately adorns the back of our pocket guide, complementing the main poster design. Additionally, the satin finish on the guide's cover adds a tactile element, offering a unique sensory experience and enhancing the representation of hotspring steam. Our vision blended Beitou's enigmatic charm with the vibrant spirit of our youthful attendees through thoughtful visual design. We aimed to create an unforgettable experience tailored to the aspirations of the current generation, beckoning them to immerse themselves in Beitou's captivating tales.

Fountain Day 是《FOUNTAIN 新活水》雜誌為高中至大學的年輕學子策劃的台灣文化探索活動。第二年我們擴大規模,旨在深度討論文化議題、現象及趨勢,促進與時代深刻的對話、和社會並進。此次活動地點選於「北投」,以泡湯聞名的北投開發較早,有著豐富文化資產,是旅客必訪之地。霧氣繚繞、環境清幽、溫泉旅店林立是人們對北投的印象,然而日治時期的北投曾是知名風化區,附近商家伴隨此產業形成了特殊商業模式,更發生過許多不為人知的故事。 活動主視覺強調「適當的感官刺激」,海報上醒目的桃紅色斜線是與印刷師傅特製的特殊色,代表著「誘惑」和「禁止」,而參與本活動的學員則展現了義無反顧跨越成見的精神,試圖梳理蒸氣瀰漫的北投鮮為人知的過往。 手冊裝幀採用桃紅色車縫線與海報呼應,封面封底局部上的細磨砂光,將「霧氣」轉換為一種觸覺體驗。 本次設計著重於,將北投那蒙上歷史面紗的神秘感和年輕學子們對活動的新鮮感交織一起;這趟北投行是生長在這個時代的孩子們,一次特殊的探索之旅,透過當代口吻邀請同學們聆聽那些迷人的故事。

主辦單位\Fountain 新活水 ● 中華文化總會
音樂人 — 鄭宜農 Enno Cheng
百合花 — 林奕碩
作家 — 李奕萱
山峸二手書店 Ridge Books
創辦人 — 王政中 & 袁浩程
北投說書人 —《礦泉探秘》溫泉路線走讀
北投文物館 —《茶道精神之解說》茶道體驗
Designer\温承宇 Wen Cheng Yu
Photographer\蔡之凡 Cai Zhi Fan

Fountain Day Beitou Edition/Fountain Day 北投篇

Fountain Day Beitou Edition/Fountain Day 北投篇
