Tommaso Cortesi's profile

[Editorial] new impagination project

Progetto di una nuova impaginazione grafica del corso di computer graphic dell'indirizzo di graphic design & art direction presso NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti [Milano].

Anno accademico: 2022/2023
Anno di frequenza: 1'anno - 1'semestre

brief / 01
Reworking the original layout of the story "Dead Leaves," an excerpt from "Characters," a creative magazine where authors exchange stories of various genres, according to one's style and needs.

[proposta iniziale]

idea / 02
The entire redesign is centered around the sense of closure, as repeatedly highlighted in the story. The text box, typically aligned to the left, is deliberately aligned to the right, symbolizing the desire to leave behind the place one wishes to distance oneself from. When the protagonist of the revised story realizes they cannot leave, encountering an insurmountable wall, they return home. From that moment, the text boxes return to being aligned to the left, emphasizing the man's despondency, bitterness, and disappointment as he returns home.​​​​​​​

palette / 03
#000000 / black
#322d1d / dark green
#715b64 / purple
#dcbdaf / pink

The colors have been selected according to the autumnal theme, echoing the title of the story. Contrasting colors, yet subdued and delicate, much like the delicate subject matter, making them pleasing to the eye.

impagination / 04

I wanted to give greater emphasis to the story by alternating light pink pages and dark green pages, representing one as day and the other as night. This choice aimed to highlight the attempts to flee from home from dawn until after sunset.

font / 05
Per la copertina [novela].
For the cover, I chose the font [novela], which compared to the font used for the rest of the text, stands out more in the size of individual letters while still maintaining elements of elegance, simplicity, and clarity.​​​​​​​

Per il testo [minion pro regular]
For the text, I chose [minion pro regular], a font that complements the one used for the cover. It's less pronounced in the size of individual letters, making it better suited for reading longer content.​​​​​​​

applications / 06

I tried to overhaul the original layout as much as possible, giving the story a personal style without embellishing it with details.
thank you
Cortesi Tommaso

Tommaso Cortesi - NABA, Graphic Design & Art Direction -  2023-2024 first year - course of Computer Graphic & Art Direction

[Editorial] new impagination project

[Editorial] new impagination project
