GILBERT FANG's profile

Michelin Guide Ceremony 2023

Michelin Guide Ceremony 2023
The Michelin Guide has been a staple in the global culinary scene for over a century, recognized both domestically and internationally. Both in print and online, it spans the full spectrum of dining and travel experiences.
Our restaurant reviews and content catch the eye of industry trendsetters, food lovers, travel gurus, local foodies, and world-class chefs. The 2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide awards ceremony is themed around traditional Taiwanese culture - specifically, the banquet. It's a reflection of Taiwan's unique culinary identity, celebrating the country's rich food culture. The Michelin awards are a global gathering of food lovers, showcasing top-quality service and culinary delights through the lens of a traditional banquet.
Creativity courtesy of the 12o’clock Creative Team
法條依據來源〈 營業秘密法第2條 〉
 本法所稱營業秘密,係指方法、技術、製程、配方、程式、設計或其他可用於生產、銷售或經營之資訊,而符合左列要件:一、非一般涉及該類資訊之人所知者。二、因其 秘密性而具有實際或潛在之經濟價值者。三、所有人已採取合理之保密措施者。
Michelin Guide Ceremony 2023


Michelin Guide Ceremony 2023
