The Project is a sample proposal of a crossroad containing the Essential needs for a sector of an Urban City planning.
The main elements used are inter-city transit hub serving all transport networks for the city ( city bus network - mid range bus - super jets - inter-city cabs - special taxi’s ), Religion Building formed as a large Masjid to host the Habitants of the Region, 
Service Building that contains offices, shops, gym and car services to cover the Needs of the habitants, Mid-Street Park opened to Public containing sidewalks, bike-lanes, pedestrian lanes, cafe’s and restaurants.
Assigning all traffic networks from ( vehicular lanes - bus lanes - pedestrians - bike lanes - side walks - park-lets ) to achieve the Most possibly non-congested traffic flow. While assigning possible services for habitants from ( masjid - cafe’s - pop-up markets - restaurants - drive-thru - bus stop ) to contain non-vehicular traffic on transit hub, park-lets and masjid. Also providing specific Areas for emergency services ( police - ambulance - fire fighting trucks ) distributed among zones as needed.
Urban City Crossroad


Urban City Crossroad
