Tommaso Cortesi's profile

[Exam project] impagination project

impagination & illustration project, course graphic design & art direction  NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti [Milano].

Academic year: 2023/24
Year of attendance: 1'year: 1'semester

The project brief called for the creation of an editorial in A5 format, granting us complete freedom in its realization: from choosing the color palette to the type of paper and beyond. Within this creative space, we were tasked with immersing ourselves in the character of the story, using images, illustrations, and texts to communicate a specific lack that characterizes them. The subject in question varies according to social class, ranging from the first, the lowest, to the fourth level.

Having chosen the fourth level, I decided that my character should experience the most obvious yet overlooked lack: friendships. This sense of loneliness is further fueled by the presence of a very dark palette.
The character finds themselves far away from home and loved ones, having not adapted well to life in the big city. To find comfort, they head to the same pub every day after work, the Old Coffee House, in the Soho neighborhood.
The shots were taken independently during the visit to the capital, London. The pub chosen randomly seemed perfect for its interior atmosphere, and since it represents the classic English establishment, it was the ideal choice. Overall, more than 2300 photographs were taken, from which the ones used in the 61 pages of the project were selected.

After being taken, the photographs were edited to reflect the somber and depressed mood of the project. Only after editing the images did I dedicate myself to creating the illustrations to be inserted within them.

Since the protagonist is of Asian descent, specifically Chinese, I thought that the only thing capable of making them relive the idea of home would be the lights illuminating Carnaby Street. This is because Asian neighborhoods are often decorated with LEDs and lights. Consequently, it was decided to include shots of these illuminations within the chapter.
I wanted to represent, with a play on words, the feeling experienced by an introverted person during a conversation gone wrong, namely: "a way out." This concept is depicted within the chapter through photographs taken in the subway, featuring the sign "Way Out." This use of visual and linguistic elements helps creatively convey the complexity of emotions and situations being experienced.
#1c1c1c / black
#484b56 / London grey [main color]
#fefefe / white

For the titles, we chose to adopt an almost gothic style, opting for the [Sinistre] font. This particular typeface contributed to giving vitality and a more original and dark atmosphere to the editorial.

I testi, essendo più lunghi e dettagliati rispetto ai titoli, richiedevano un font che fosse semplice e di facile lettura, al fine di evitare che il lettore si stancasse nel seguire la storia. Per questo motivo è stato scelto il font [Alte Haas Grotesk], poiché la sua semplicità contribuisce all'efficacia della lettura.
The sentences were fundamental for the realization of the project. They represent the very essence of the character, conveying to the reader all the feelings, thoughts, and perplexities experienced during their monotony.
Printing represents the key moment in the realization of the editorial. For the internal pages, we chose a type of white recycled paper with a weight of 100 g/m², while for the cover, we opted for a rigid paper. As for the binding, we chose a classic brochure binding, which proves effective precisely because of its simplicity.

Through this project, I sought to create a connection between the reader and the character as much as possible. I repeatedly inserted statements from the character within the pages, attempting to establish a conversation. In many pages, in fact, Soho speaks sentences that directly involve the reader.

created by Cortesi Tommaso

Tommaso Cortesi - NABA, Graphic Design & Art Direction -  2023-2024 first year - course of Computer Graphic & Art Direction

[Exam project] impagination project

[Exam project] impagination project
