Shyam Sv's profile

NIRVANA : The Moksha . Varanasi

"Embers of Faith: A Glimpse into Varanasi's Sacred Cremations"
The ancient city of Varanasi, nestled along the banks of the sacred Ganges River, holds a profound significance in Hindu culture, particularly in matters of death and cremation. As dusk descends, the ghats of Varanasi come alive with a somber yet mystical energy.

Amidst the gentle lapping of the river, families gather with their departed loved ones on the steps leading down to the water. The air carries the scent of incense and the sound of devotional chants, creating an atmosphere that is both solemn and spiritually charged.

The funeral pyres, built meticulously from wood, are set ablaze with the help of skilled cremation workers known as "doms." Flames dance and rise, carrying with them the hopes and prayers of the bereaved for their loved one's peaceful journey into the afterlife.
As the pyres burn, ashes are collected and reverently scattered into the sacred Ganges, believed to purify the soul and grant liberation from the cycle of rebirth. The cycle of life and death continues in Varanasi, a timeless ritual that connects the living with the departed and the divine.
NIRVANA : The Moksha . Varanasi


NIRVANA : The Moksha . Varanasi


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