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Shelly's Kitchen Revival: Transforming Cabinets

Are your kitchen cabinet doors showing their age? Do they bear the architectural signatures of past decades like arches or intricate details from the 60s, 70s, 80s, or even more recent years? If so, fear not – Shelly's Kitchens has a solution that won't break the bank or disrupt your daily life: refacing kitchen cabinets.

What is Cabinet Refacing?

Cabinet refacing is a cost-effective way to give your kitchen a facelift without the hassle of tearing out and replacing the entire cabinetry. Instead of ripping everything out and starting from scratch, refacing involves replacing just the doors and drawer fronts while keeping the existing cabinet boxes intact.

The Benefits of Refacing

Cost-Effective: One of the primary advantages of cabinet refacing is its affordability compared to a full renovation. By reusing the existing cabinet framework, homeowners can achieve a fresh look without the hefty price tag of completely new cabinetry.
Time-Saving: Refacing is a much quicker process than a full cabinet replacement. Since the cabinet boxes remain in place, there's no need for extensive demolition or reconstruction. This means less disruption to your daily routine and a faster turnaround time.

Customization Options: With Shelly's refacing kitchen cabinets, the possibilities for customization are endless. We can incorporate new doors with a full overlay of your cabinets, add hidden soft-close hinges for a touch of luxury, and even update the hardware to match your style preferences.

Minimal Disruption: Unlike a full kitchen remodel, which often requires homeowners to vacate their homes for an extended period, refacing allows you to maintain full use of your kitchen throughout the renovation process. Say goodbye to takeout dinners and makeshift cooking spaces – with refacing, you can enjoy a fully functional kitchen from start to finish.
The Refacing Process

So, how does the magic happen? Here's a brief overview of what you can expect when you choose Shelly's Kitchens for your cabinet refacing project:

Consultation: Our expert team will work closely with you to understand your design preferences, budget constraints, and timeline requirements. We'll help you choose the perfect doors, hardware, and finishes to achieve the look you desire.

Preparation: Before the refacing process begins, we'll carefully measure your existing cabinets to ensure a precise fit for the new doors and drawer fronts. We'll also remove any old hardware and prepare the surfaces for the application of fresh finishes.

Installation: Once everything is prepped and ready to go, our skilled craftsmen will install the new doors and drawer fronts, making sure that everything aligns perfectly and operates smoothly. We'll also add any additional features, such as soft-close hinges, to enhance the functionality of your cabinets.

Finishing Touches: With the installation complete, we'll put the final touches on your newly refaced cabinets, adding any desired hardware and applying the finishing touches. Whether you prefer a classic wood finish or a bold pop of color, we'll ensure that your cabinets look stunning from every angle.


If your kitchen cabinets are in need of a refresh, don't despair – refacing is the perfect solution. With Shelly's Kitchens, you can achieve the look of brand-new cabinets for a fraction of the cost and without the hassle of a full renovation. Say goodbye to outdated doors and hello to a fresh, modern kitchen that you'll love for years to come. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward your dream kitchen!
Shelly's Kitchen Revival: Transforming Cabinets

Shelly's Kitchen Revival: Transforming Cabinets
