Agne Jaksibogaite's profile

Leaflet Design For The Warrington Visually Impaired

Warrington VIP
Here is the flyer my group designed for 'The Visually Impaired People'. This leaflet was developed by my teammates Mollie and Hayden. We all took on roles to design this leaflet as part of our work experience. One of the owners of the Warrington VIP asked us to create a leaflet that showcases what the company offers for both existing residents and newcomers. They wanted something that was visually accessible, appropriate, and also unique.
Front Page
Displays the companies contacts, establishment and events.
Developing Process:
Showcasing the activities that elders can partake in and the enjoyment they have in store.
Created by Agne Jaksibogaite, an inspiring Graphic Design Student.
Leaflet Design For The Warrington Visually Impaired

Leaflet Design For The Warrington Visually Impaired
