Anna Bitiakova's profile

Email-course for beginners

Idea 💡
Every year, our team conducts a competitive analysis to stay updated on industry trends. Based on the analysis, we adopt the most interesting solutions from our competitors and tailor them to our needs and goals.
One of that ideas was an email course for beginners.
Project goal 🎯
Our main goal is to engage users in learning, as engaged users tend to stay in the product longer and generate more revenue.
This particular project was aimed at beginners in the product, as well as non-registered users who willingly provided their email on the promo landing page, confirming their interest in investment topics and granting permission to receive emails.

Work process 🛠️
On start we already had expert educational materials that we wanted to reuse in a new format. We had a tool for designing the landing page (Webflow) and an instrument for creating an automated email chain (Bloomreach), so it made our team independent from other teams’ resources and reduced project costs.
Project outcomes
⚬ the project was scaled to 8 regions.
⚬ 11,907 users registered for the course, 837 - absolutely new registered customers
⚬ 80% open-rate, 70% click-rate
⚬ 210 users activated invest accounts in 7 days after first letter was received
⚬ 3,252 users continued their investing journey after receiving email-course letters
Email-course for beginners


Email-course for beginners
