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Poem7_Morning's Linger: Trees's Unity, Whispers Unfold


GIFs, Prints & Videos made by entering AI content which was generated from poetry or ideas that I typed in chatGPT which create Images, GIFs and Music content I then compose to make artworks; these pieces showcase the capabilities of man or artists working with AI.
Morning's Linger: Trees's Unity, Whispers Unfold
rv48art featuring, chatGPT, deepAI, suno & genmo.

In the final exhale, tomorrow's chances linger,
Awaiting the dawn's embrace, a new beginning unfolds.
We ponder the falling trees of rabbit's abodes,
Yet yearn to embody you, to be one with your essence.

As words echo from past to present, a ceaseless cycle,
Each repetition a revelation, each recurrence a gain.
What trial befalls the truth, what tribulations bind us,
Within the confines of our thoughts, if not the divine or destiny's decree?

God, perhaps, relinquishes man's will to his own hand,
Yet man, ever eager, imposes his desires upon others.
Blindly we grope, like blind guides leading the deaf,
And the depths of our existence elude our grasp.

"I cannot be what I am not, nor should I strive to be,
For in my essence lies my truth, my being.
Let my thoughts paint the canvas of your perception,
As the manifestations of my mind unfold before your eyes!"

Poem7_Morning's Linger: Trees's Unity, Whispers Unfold

Poem7_Morning's Linger: Trees's Unity, Whispers Unfold
