Aldi Rebrand
This project looks to rebrand Aldi's logo into a new brand guide, taking into account their target audience and current demographics, and applying a style that speaks to their new rebrand. 
The first part of the project began with research of Aldi's brand.
Developing user profiles for the people that shop at Aldi helped to determine what new kind of style should be introduced in the rebrand. 
Donna is an example of Aldi's current audience, and Kristin is an example of the rebrand's new target audience.
After determining the younger generation as Aldi's new target audience, two alternative stylescapes were developed. Modern Minimalist and Fun, Funky, and Fresh both speak to the younger generation in different ways.
I focused on the minimalist aesthetic for this stylescape because it has become increasingly popular with younger audiences. It gives Aldi a simple look, moving away from its current brand, but also staying true to its identity as a brand that focuses on simplicity and sustainability. 
I focused on a colorful, fun aesthetic for this stylescape because it is more engaging and eye catching to the younger audience. This gives Aldi's brand more energy than it's current brand, and the colorful graphics read as a store with fresh ingredients.
The next step was developing a logo using these two different stylescapes and determining which to further develop by creating a primary, secondary, and favicon logo to go with each
I chose to mimic the current Aldi logo in these designs by keeping the stylized "A" and adding a different touch depending on the style. 

On the left is the modern minimalist style. This uses lines found in minimalist designs to create the simplistic A. The font was chosen because of its simple curve and shape. 

On the right is the fun, funky, and fresh style. This designed incorporated a hand drawn A to give the feeling of playfulness. Similarly, the font looks hand drawn, giving it that touch of creativity and energy.
The next step was choosing a type, logo, and adding color.

The majority of the feedback said to combine the minimalist design with fun, funky, and fresh's color. I explored several options of different color combinations and styles to determine which spoke to the target audience the most.
I chose Myriad pro because it matched the logo's font well and is an easy to read font. ​​​​​​​
After considering this feedback, I landed on the following graphics as my final results. 
Overall, the new logo's simplified design and colorful elements help reach the younger audience in a fresh new way that doesn't completely cut out their current audience. 
These colors resemble the original logo colors so as not to completely lose the original audience, but they are still colorful enough to read to a younger audience.  
Primary logo
I placed the tag line on opposite sides of the logo to give it a feeling of importance. 
Secondary logos
The secondary logo is the most common. The horizontal and vertical logos can be placed on signs and billboards. The logo without the boarder is used for apparel items.
Alternative logo
The alternative logo is a different color because these are the logos that go on digital platforms like social media, online advertisements, and websites. These colors are easier to perceive on a screen, and they create an online presence that the younger generation is accustomed to using.
One Color Logo
The one color logo on the left is the primary color blue. It's lighter color is more fun and appealing to the younger generation. 
Mockups for printed, environmental, and digital assets were created to better understand how these designs interact with the real world.
The poster is an example of what might be found in stores or around town.
The magazine ad shows what might come in the mail.
The storefront is an example of how the new logo changes the design of the door.
Aldi's bags are iconic, this shows how new icons could be incorporated into their bags to give a fresh look.
The website is colorful and easily accessible. The alternative blue logo is used for these assets. 
Ads on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest can help reach the younger audience.
The final brand Guide
Within the final brand guide are elements that 
Aldi Rebrand

Aldi Rebrand
