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C.O Enterprise Rebranding

Project Overview:

Established in 2014, CO is a dynamic team of dedicated individuals driven by the vision of shaping and elevating prominent brands, thus contributing significantly to Singapore's bustling economy.
CO's initial identity, crafted at its inception, has gracefully weathered the years. However, as with all brands, CO has evolved substantially over time, creating a noticeable disparity between its current stature and its outdated image.
Furthermore, CO has earned the trust of several prominent F&B brands in Singapore, operating within one of the most rapidly evolving sectors of the economy. It is imperative for CO to rejuvenate its appearance to remain relevant in the ever-changing design landscape and reaffirm its position as a proficient agency.


Embarking on a rebranding journey is a daunting decision, even for a modest team like CO. However, being a marketing agency, CO's reputation predominantly resonates with business owners rather than the mass consumer market typical of FMCG brands. In such a scenario, the agency's identity is intricately linked with its expertise and specializations, presenting an opportunity to refresh its image without sacrificing recognition.
Nonetheless, it's crucial to acknowledge the necessity of rebuilding their identity as CO continues to grow and expand. The current identity, akin to an old garment, no longer fits the agency's evolving stature, necessitating a fresh look to better represent itself and attract top-tier talent.​​​​​​​
One of the technical challenges lies in enhancing the simplicity of the previous icon while imbuing it with additional depth and character.


Approaching the project with a focus on fundamental principles of graphic design, we champion simplicity while recognizing the power of nuanced elements.
The logo design revolves around stylizing the "C" and "O" characters into a cohesive symbol. At first glance, it resembles an infinity loop, symbolizing our belief in the boundless potential of collaboration. Delving deeper, the design illustrates two interconnected circles, representing CO and its clients, united in similarity and synergy.
In line with graphic design theories, we incorporate a literal hook between the "C" and "O," eschewing metaphorical ambiguity for a distinct visual element.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Our typographical system adopts Base Neue as the primary corporate typeface, valued for its clarity as a sans-serif font family. Inktrap modifications imbue it with imperfections, adding a human touch to the design.
While the color palette retains echoes of the previous shades, subtle tweaks bring a contemporary flair to the overall presentation.​​​​​​​

Design by C.O Enterprise

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C.O Enterprise Rebranding

C.O Enterprise Rebranding
