Júlia Pérez's profile


I N F O G R A P H I C    O F    A    D E S I G N E R                                                  by Júlia Pérez
In this project, we were creating an infographic about a designer of our choice. The objective was investigating their life, work, and impact on design. The infographic was combining visual and textual elements, presenting biographical information, notable works, and significant contributions.
The selection process for the designer was both exciting and personal. I explored my interests, ranging from graphic design to architecture, but ultimately decided to focus on the world of automotive design. There was a designer whom I had always deeply admired, although I had never undertaken any work about him or his designs. I believed this was the perfect opportunity. His creativity and innovative approach inspired me, ensuring that my project would perfectly reflect my enthusiasm and admiration for his work.

I chose Ferdinand Porsche due to his significant influence in automotive design. His legacy in the industry is undeniable, having contributed to the creation of iconic vehicles and the advancement of automotive engineering. His innovative approach and passion for excellence make him a logical choice for my infographic project.
When I was thinking about the design for this project, I drew inspiration from Ferdinand Porsche's design process to capture his unique approach to car design. I explored his methodology, carefully analyzing the colors, guidelines, and every detail of his creations. This infographic aims not only to convey information about Porsche's life and work, but also to incorporate the essence of his style with my own. Below, I provide several examples of the inspiration to achieve the fusion of our design styles into one cohesive entity.
Ferdinand Alexander Porsche design                                                                                        David Carl Plates design
The infographic
Upon concluding this project, I have expanded my comprehension of design, particularly within the realm of automotive design, by delving into Ferdinand Porsche's process. The amalgamation of my style with his has proven to be a rewarding experience, fostering the development of my creative abilities. Through meticulous research and attention to detail, I have gleaned invaluable insights. This endeavor has served to inspire a continued exploration of my passion for design, along with a steadfast commitment to learning from the eminent pioneers within the field.
Thank you!


