Gencer Ozdamar's profile

On Papers: 2015/17

Illustrations and Sketches with randomly choosed subjects and concepts:
'Dayı': Tractor integrated traditional country side man

Technic: Brushpen, Photoshop

Tarlabaşı District in Istanbul Beyoğlu: One of the most multicultural and historical neighborhood in town.

Technic: Inked with brushpen and micron, colored with Copic marker

A possible true story between M4A3E8 Sherman (Fury) and Pzkpfw V (Tiger); Tiger wins.

Technic: Inked with brushpen and micron, colored with Copic marker, color corrected with Adobe Photoshop

Berkant and R/C Demolisher

Technic:  Inked with Sakura Pigma Micron and brushpen, colored with Copic marker

The Auto Gallery: Vehicles placed rounded steam punk hall, on second floor classical statues representing their underlying vehicles and the dealer waits for customers in center of the ground.

Technic:    Inked with archival ink with different fines on paper

Protecting wall: An old feodal village, guarded with huge wall from someone or something in Post Apocalyptic times.

Technic: Inked with Sakura Pigma Micron inking pen on paper


Distorted Skeletons

Technic: Inked with rapido on paper

tavern: Trying to edit poly-layer composition on paper, 17th Century, a Spanish tavern somewhere in West Indies Sea

Concept References: Ubisoft Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Technic: Inked with Sakura Pigma inking pen on paper.


Gray Temple: Somewhere in the desert, overview of re-constructed war machines for used as a temple by native people with three different perpective.

Technic: Penciled and Inked , colored with marker pen (Promarker-Copic)

Mythic Constantinople: Imaginary view of Bosphorus 

Technic: Penciled and Inked , colored with marker pen (Promarker-Copic) 

City of Bees: A huge dome hive on the top, hundreds of mini hives on the ground. The hive-castle rises under the dome-entrance and the Queen sits on top of the castle.

Technic: Penciled and Inked , colored with marker pen (Promarker-Copic) 

Thank you for visiting!
On Papers: 2015/17

On Papers: 2015/17

Sketching in different subjects and concepts


Creative Fields