Room at night
A howling sound woke me up in the middle of the night. Another sleepless night? or was I just drifting somewhere in my dream? ......
The street post light was hitting on my room's walls painting with black and white stripes, stretching along. The room was filled of cold air and wind leaking through the open window, I noticed.  '' What time is it?'' I asked myself as reaching out for my wrist watch. It showed 2 am.  It had been over a week since I last took a sleeping pill and now the insomnia was back, perhaps with better snobbishness. As if not to stir up the ambience, the quality of serenity that the night had to offer, I rolled out of my bed as gently as I could and quietly snapped the window’s wing.
For the moment, I stood there and squinted out the window!
Ten minutes. Perhaps longer it was.
I was overwhelmed. The night deep black shadow, like a giant cocoon transcends to me, wrapping up my reality. I was sliding, then suddenly bobbling up and down against the waves of time and space. Thousands of millions of fickling white stars were twirling, flying to me, almost like a dancing rituals of a giant school of fish under the great ocean. On of the spur of the moment, as though the pensive air was lifting me up, I stretched out my hands and joined the movement.
I started to make a very first move, slow and attentive. Almost holding my breathes, one step, two step, then another and there I realised the white flock was with me, brisking up with me. The ocean wind kept blowing, flowing once against, then obliquely and almost arising from the low; Together with the fold, a great show of harmony was carried out in front of me, pulling me in with great gravity. There was nothing but a feeling of excitement, curiosity, then a temptation; A temptation to participate in this strange everlasting joy, the ability to express without boundaries, even just momentarily.
The sombre ambience was weakly lightened up . Feeling the gale of stream, I released myself and moved into a mental floating state. The whites were once at harmony, now seemed to flocked into smaller solid pieces; Some began to drop steeply, others were drastically diverged till swallowed by the darkness, inconspicuously. The melody I was listening to was shut down and I, too was falling. As the strong gale was biting my face and ears, I turned my head side way to take a deep breath and swung my limbs for better control. I was pushed up and deep down, turned to side, constantly left and right.
The incessant falling tube started to shake, tweaking into different directions, where I started to see images, under the strong flash of lights. A harrowing experience occurred to me as I struggled. Different people with familiar faces, like the flamboyant characters in an old montage, all had their stages to act, coming to me at once; I recognized, though they seemed to be mere fantasy, these people all played out to feed me with various extreme emotions, which I was certain, was real. There he was standing looking up on top of a blizzard mountain, accompanied by North current of thick air and magnificent extraordinary landscapes, mantled by a white blanket of snow and ice. There the boys were strolling in a summer forest where the warm light rays waxed every step they’d taken. Then there he was laughing, grudging, loving, being loved, being free, being forced; there he was full of hope, there he was in despair…
‘What... is it?’, ‘ I?’, a fidgeted voice creeped into my mind.
Time seemed come to halt. Much of uncertainty filled the compartments in my chain of thought and much less I realised, though just enough, I was blissful, like a free spirit.
Fading away into the spiral of darkness. Soundlessly.
Soundtrack: Tired Wings by The Echelon Effect
Free Spirit

Free Spirit

A snow storm crashed by and left me with some thoughts.


Creative Fields