Digital Collage
PHT 135, Electronic Darkroom
Spring Semester 2013
Composite Assignment
This image represents how life overtakes our innocence like a powerful tidal wave. I accomplished this through my development of a composition using multiple images, blending modes and special edits. 
Digital Collage
PHT 222, Studio Lighting II
Spring Semester 2015
Foreground, middle ground and background Assignment
This project illustrates my use of flash in rear-curtain sync mode. Moving my subject from the foreground, middle ground and background fulfills the assignment and gives the image movement and a playful aspect, showing the energy of the subject. This image is a composite of four separate photographs.
Digital Collage
PHT 222, Studio Lighting II
Spring Semester 2015
Foreground, Middle ground, Background Assignment
Our lives are constantly bombarded by technology that can overtake the modern family, becoming separate and alone when “together”. I could see this happening in my own household, and wanted to demonstrate this as a warning to myself. This project was to demonstrate foreground, middle ground, and background lighting which I created using the computer screens and one constant light in the back room. 


These are digital collages made up of at least 3 separate images each.


Creative Fields