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AsylumxSurfride Go Skate Day 2016

The Asylum tent and Loser Machine Co. tents are up and ready to serve up product for tricks 
So call him maybe
Asylum team riders Jake, Ace, and Thomas just hanging out before they do some damage inside the park
Front crook the barrier
team rider brandon with a noseblunt
The un-expected late shuv over the barrier
I don't think this guy recieved the memo today
getting old school with a boneless 50-50 on the hubba
Pop shuv tail grab into the bank
The whole squad just stood and watched their lil homie put in work on the drop
Insane kickflip by the lil homie, definitly deserved those free pair of shoes
This eggplant was insane WoW
Frontside hurricane
Asylum team rider Ace pelka with a frontside invert
Kids in the parking lot playing skate before the race down to the beach
Others were not trying to play any games and were very serious about the race
And they're off!!!
lil homie trying to keep up with the big dogs
The race got way to serious at one point
but then it went back to normal
Whoever said you can't have fun while trying to win a race
Took a little detour to bomb this abandon freeway off ramp
We're almost there thomas
Finally after a 3.5 mile skate we arrived at are destination
And so did all of the other kids
Mike giving the kids the product they've won from the race
Kids getting some stickers and some other product from the race
Getting all the sweet angles for the Go Skate Day montage
Mike explaining that there are 7 of the Animal chin cut outs hidden on the beach and if you find it bring it back to get free product
Everyone still on the lookout for the last animal chin
Someone tossed a board in the water and best belive skater mom was the first one to dive in and grab it
While most skated today others hovered. He obviously didnt get that memo either
Josh setting the guidelines and rules for the next race for a pair of shoes
And once again they're off
Kids chasing Dan Rogers to get a free board
The good ole product toss
And that's a wrap for Go Skate Day 2016 Asylum x Surfride good job and keep on shredding
AsylumxSurfride Go Skate Day 2016

AsylumxSurfride Go Skate Day 2016

Images from Go Skate Day 2016 Oceanside,CA
