Media Lounge - E Commerce Specialists
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At Media Lounge we specialise in ecommerce and content managed websites, with over 16 years experience in our industry. Our aim, as your selected agency and perhaps what sets us apart from other companies, is to provide you with a total online solution for your business. With every client we research your industries market place, analyze your competitors and focus the design and development of your new website on converting visitors into sales or enquiries.

This approach, coupled with our other services such as search engine optimisation, mobile ecommerce and social network marketing, help provide you with an online strategy for your business instead of just a new website. It’s providing strategies like this to new websites, which has helped Media Lounge customers achieve industry leading conversion rates, returns on site investment in less than 3 working days, and sales of over £12 million pounds worldwide.

From our portfolio pages you can see the level of design and programming we provide to every customer but what you don’t see is the level of training, support and on-going advice we offer as part of our service to our clients. It’s our intention to make sure you know as much about your site as we do but to also be there if you need additional help or advice on how to grow your online business.

With the internet and online industry moving at such a pace, staying up-to-date on developments which could aid the future success of your website can often be difficult. We take a proactive role in the success of your website by constantly researching progressions in our industry and informing our clients of advancements we feel will be beneficial. We enjoy sharing in the long term success of our clients and we hope to become more than just your website development agency.

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Media Lounge

Media Lounge

Magento E Commerce Custom Design and Development


Creative Fields