Maximilian Hans's profile

space sharing // painters' hall

in this group project with two architecture students we were working on new approaches to multi-purpose spaces with a room at our university as an example.
we accumulated a database of about 100 example rooms that occur in different contexts - from a food truck to a concert hall, categorized them by shape, scale, and the actions taking place there.
we then wrote a program in grasshopper, that clustered the rooms and their properties and set them into relation to each other.
the user then could enter a desired list of usages and the program structured them and gave an idea of which usages work together best.
(continue reading below)
the 'space machine' combining different rooms into new ones
a visualization of the data collected in the project
this workflow was then incorporated in the process of restructuring the 'painters' hall' at the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart.
the learnings from using the data from the space machine then gave us useful insight on how to both minimize effort and maximize effect and flexibility of the room. this resulted in needing only 2 structures that would be used to seperate them room instead of a completely flexible space.
space sharing // painters' hall

space sharing // painters' hall

concept for multi-purpose spaces
