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In Cold Blood: Cover design

Project overview:
For this University brief I had to design a book cover for Truman Capote's 'In Cold Blood'. My idea was based around a Bible which was open on a specific page, in the crime/murder scene. The highlighted verse says Take ye heed, watch and pray. For ye know not when the time is. This quote reflects the idea that you do not know when you are going to die, it could happen at any moment, to anyone. It also reflects a sense of innocence which links directly to a key family in the book who are also christian. And from this foreshadow, right from the start the audience know who which family is going to become the victims.
The cover design consists of a ripped page to represent the fact that the town and family is torn apart by the events of the book. The tear in the page also then reveals the Bible verse underneath and reflects the sense of innocence. The blood smear helps to highlight the key verse and foreshadow the murders.

I researched Bible layouts/copy relevant to the time period in order to create a deeper sense of detail for the front cover design.
The page tear carries all around the book and leads to the back page, leading the viewer/reader to the back page when picked up.
In Cold Blood: Cover design

In Cold Blood: Cover design

A cover design for in cold blood, based around a page of the Bible which is discovered at the crime scene.
