Mariah McKenzie's profile

The Youth Opportunity Outreach Program

The Objective
For our final project in Advanced Computer Graphics, we had to create several interactive assets for a charity or non-profit. Some of the pieces we had to consider were typography, color, appropriate imagery for digital spaces, and good principles of layout for interactive design. The final project was a comprehensive study of all the topics covered in class, such as mockups, web design, interactive design, Invision, digital campaigns and more. For my final project, I chose to create assets for the Youth Opportunity Outreach Program.
The Process
First, I designed a moodboard, described the target audience, and detailed notes about the program. 
Basic Information about the Youth Opportunity Outreach Program (The Yoo Club): 
• located in Beltsville, MD • age group: 9-13 • focus: creativity, leadership, and service • primary goal: provide supplies and equipment for photography, journalism, graphic design, and arts & crafts, so students can use these skills to create campaigns and raise awareness of global issues.

Primary audience: middle-income parents in the Beltsville area
Secondary audience: creative youth ages 9-13

After completing wireframes for both the mobile app and webpages, I had to add color, fonts, and photos. Here are the results.
Below is one of the screens from the mobile app, where students can complete virtual workshops and share their work. To see more visit this link:
Digital Campaign: the goal of the campaign is to get viewers to learn more about the program through our site. 
Thanks for viewing!
The Youth Opportunity Outreach Program

The Youth Opportunity Outreach Program
