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CSS3 animation examples

This example is created based on "3D cubes built and animated with CSS", and revises, simplifies its HTML and CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This example is created based on "switch", and revises, simplifies its HTML and CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This example is created based on "Image Accordion with CSS3", and revises, simplifies its HTML and CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This example is created based on "Navigation Bar by Jan Kaděra", and simplifies its CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This example is created based on "Smooth Pulse", and simplifys its CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This code reconstructs and considerably simlifies "Sliding Image Panels with CSS3". No JavaScript code is used to it.
Toggle a animated hamburger menu with icons using pure CSS animation (no JavaScript).
This example is created based on "CSS Gooey Menu", and simplifys its CSS code. Its SVG filter part is excluded. No JavaScript code is used to it.
This code reconstructs and simlifies "CSS Cube Flip". No JavaScript code is used to it.
Spinning button animation on mouse over.
This example is created based on "Button Spinner Test", and simplifies its CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to it.
Turning on and off the lamp by the button.
This example is created based on "lamp" and "CSS3 Checkbox Styles", and simplifys their CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to them.
Tabs rotate vertically content containing images.
This example is created based on "3D Cube for tabbed content", and simplifies its CSS code. No JavaScript code is used to them.
Mouse hover stops rotation of photos.
These examples are created based on "Photos on a rotating polygon", and simplify its HTML and CSS codes. No JavaScript code is used to them.
These examples are created based on "Inspiration for Text Styles and Hover Effects", and simplify its HTML and CSS codes. No JavaScript code is used to them.
This code reconstructs and simplifies "Animated Buttons". No JavaScript code is used to it.
This code reconstructs and simlifies "Blurry Menu". No JavaScript code is used to it.
CSS3 animation examples

CSS3 animation examples

CSS3 transition and animation with no JavaScript code.
