In this brief I have been tasked with creating imagery for one or more of the following topics: Landscapes, Tutorials, Biographies, Books, Reviews, Drones, Society, News, Products and Competitions. I am going to be producing this imagery in hopes that it will be used in the Image Maker magazine. The task is very broad in terms of what exactly I can produce, giving me a lot of freedom with my ideas and concepts. One of the topics that immediately drew my attention was Landscapes as I enjoy working with photography to create new imagery as opposed to developing art in the workshop for example. Since it is also possible to use more than one topic, I could use a drone to take photographs of landscapes and even feature people in the images to combine three of the topics. I could also follow the route of Books and Biographies as the idea of everybody having their own unique story could be interesting.
(A3) The page below was created once I had finished setting up my master pages, auto-page numbers and other essentials. It is one of two pages in which I explain how I developed my final outcome.
(BOARD A1+) Creating this piece was extremely time consuming not only due to the scale but the individual drawings surrounding the center face. The idea behind this piece was that everybody has their unique "Biographies" but all make up one "Society".
(A3) The page below explains how I used Digital Manipulation to enhance some of my initial sketches before using them in my final piece. Most of this process was done with heavy use of the Burn/Dodge tools as well as Liquify and Curves.
(A3) The idea behind the calligraphy was that it is 'Personal' and marries well with my chosen concept of Biographies. This is one of two spreads developed for use in an arts magazine.
Two Page Spread