If you follow me on social media, you already know I have a sweet pup named Barnaby. He was a rescue and when I first got him he was super reactive - barking his silly face off at every dog, squirrel, pigeon, the sometimes even the bus. Luckily, I found Dream Come True K9! I watched the videos Blake and his team post on YouTube, got familiar with this methods, began to implement some tactics and enrolled Barnaby in one of their group classes. It was a total game changer! I learned how to help Barnaby be calmer, happier, and gave us a both a much improved quality of life. All this to say, then I painted a mural for them! 
This mural is in the basement of their training facility in the Lower East Side in Manhattan where the dogs get to run on the treadmills!
Dream Come True K9


Dream Come True K9

Dog Treadmill Room
