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XCOM 3 Concept Logo

Ever since I finished playing through XCOM 2 the first time and seeing the tease of a possible third game with an "End Credits" scene, ideas of what the next game could be raced through my head.  Being not only a gamer but also a designer at heart, with the ideas of the next installment of the XCOM Series being theorized, pictures of logos for the next game also started coming to mind.
With those designs swirling in my head, I finally got my idea to paper.  While my internet was down for a few days, I spent one day working on a design for a logo.  It went through a few drafts before my idea materialized to the awesomeness that it is; or at least I think it is awesome.  Once I designed the final logo, I added a few different effects to the logo to see what it would look like.
A few fun facts:

- "Timore Abyssi" is Latin and can be translated "Terror Deep"

- If you take "terror deep" and tell Google Translate to translate it into Latin, it will give you "timore abyssi."  For some reason it is case sensitive.  So, if you capitalize both Latin words, you will get different English words.

- "Tarda Reverti" is Latin and can be translated "Reunite"

- if you take "reunite" and tell Google Translate to translate it into Latin, it will give you "Tarda Reverti"

- "Terror Deep" is a reference to a previous installment of the XCOM franchise, "X-COM: Terror from the Deep."  With the tease of the "End Credits" scene of XCOM 2, if a third game of the rebooted franchise is in the works, I think XCOM 3 will be a remake of "X-COM: Terror from the Deep."

- Thinking of what life may be like after the events of both XCOM 2 and XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, XCOM and the resistance still needs to reunite all of humanity against any remaining Advent and aliens left on the earth to take the planet back.  I thought "Reunite" would also be a good Latin phrase to have on the XCOM 3 logo.

- With the thought of the next game focusing more on psionics and the "Terror from the Deep" reference, I used a pink gradient scheme with a subtle cross in the logo itself (It is in the center of the logo behind the main text.) to hint at the possible enemy in the next game.

XCOM 3 Concept Logo


XCOM 3 Concept Logo

XCOM 3 concept logos of a potential third game of the rebooted game franchise. There are two main logos with two different Latin phrases on them. Read More
