Milda Vyštartienė's profile

Lamp "Heaven" A'Design Award winner 2018

Heaven Lamp by Milda Vystartiene is Winner in Lighting Products and Lighting Projects Design Category, 2017 - 2018.

Long time ago, among lithuanian pagans there was a tradition to make complex geometric art pieces of rye straws. They were called “Straw Gardens” which were held at home as a charm and were believed that they can bring peace and harmony to the owners. People also thought that these kind of creations were a reflection of a perfect world. Straw Gardens had a strict structure which was divided into three sections: underworld, human world and heaven. In Baltic pagan religion, seeking a way to heaven ensures peace and happiness through life.
In the old days people believed that Straw Gardens can clean the house atmosphere by rotating and absorbing the bad energy and releasing positive wibes. Also Straw Gardens were build in groups of people, mainly women with their children. This tradition helped strengthen the bond between the family and spiritual worlds. Sadly but nowadays, people have lost their bond with nature and spiritual world. Today everything is speeding up and technology innovations lets people save time for their personal life, but sometimes they forget to relax and enjoy simple things.
My goal is to revive this beautiful tradition by giving it a new form and purpose and help today's people reconnect with the spiritual world.

Accent lighting. Creating intimate atmosphere. Relaxation.

Additional lighting is needed to illuminate other parts of the room.
• Plated stainless steel tubes (8mm diameter)
• Plated stainless steel chains (5mm width)
• Plated stainless steel beads
• Organic glass tubes (8mm diameter)
• Silicone string
• Flexible light string (2,3mm width)

Lamp "Heaven" A'Design Award winner 2018

Lamp "Heaven" A'Design Award winner 2018

Long time ago, among lithuanian pagans there was a tradition to make complex geometric art pieces of rye straws. They were called “Straw Gardens” Read More
