Penelope’s Bodega 

Bodegas, Spanish for storeroom, are a sacred New York institution. Bodega culture took shape in the 50s, when the first generation of entrepreneurs left the Caribbean islands for the island of Manhattan. Penelope had a mural painted of her beautiful island on her store front, when she really misses her native land the painting spews ocean water.
Las bodegas son una institución sagrada de Nueva York. La cultura bodega tomó forma en los años 50, cuando la primera generación de empresarios se despidieron de sus islas del Caribe para ir a la isla de Manhattan. Penélope pinto un mural de su hermosa isla en su tienda, cuando extraña mucho su tierra natal, la pintura arroja agua del océano.           

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Penelope's Bodega


Penelope's Bodega

Bodegas, Spanish for storeroom, are a sacred New York institution. Bodega culture took shape in the 50s, when the first generation of entrepren Read More
